UL • cUL • CE
4 points (4 channels)
-10 to 10 VDC (input resistance 1MΩ)
0 to 20mADC (input resistance 250Ω)
-100 to 100mVDC
Available type: 12 types K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B, U, L, PLII, W5Re/W26Re
Cold junction compensation resistor: Use the included cold junction compensation resistor (CJ)
Available type: 4 types Pt1000, Pt100, JPt100, Pt50
Measurement method: 3-wire system
Voltage, current, micro voltage: -20480 to 20479
Resistance temperature detector: Pt100 (-20 to 120°C), JPt100 (-20 to 120°C) For Celsius: -2000 to 12000 For Fahrenheit: 0 to 20000 Value rounded off to two decimal places × 100 times
Thermocouple, Resistance temperature detector (other than the above) For Celsius: -2700 to 23000 For Fahrenheit: -4000 to 32000 Value rounded off to one decimal place × 10 times
-32768 to 32767
0 to 10V
0 to 20000
0 to 5V
1 to 5V
-10 to 10V
-20000 to 20000
1 to 5V (extended mode)
-5000 to 22500
0 to 20mA
0 to 20000
4 to 20mA
4 to 20mA (extended mode)
-5000 to 22500
-100 to 100mV
-20000 to 20000
Thermocouple: B, R, S, N, PLII, W5Re/W26Re: 0.3°C K, E, J, T, U, L: 0.1°C
Resistance temperature detector: Pt100 (-20 to 120°C), JPt100 (-20 to 120°C): 0.03°C Pt100 (-200 to 850°C), JPt100 (-200 to 600°C), Pt1000, Pt50: 0.1°C
Ambient temperature 25±5°C: Maximum value of the measurement range × (±0.3%) (±60 digits)
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°C: Maximum value of the measurement range × (±0.9%) (±180 digits)
Ambient temperature 25±5°C: Full scale × (±0.15%)
Ambient temperature 0 to 55°C: Full scale × (±0.3%)
Temperature measured value: -100°C or higher - within ±1.0°C
Temperature measured value: -150°C to -100°C - within ±2.0°C
Temperature measured value: -200°C to -150°C - within ±3.0°C
Pt100, JPt100, Pt50: 1mA, Pt1000: 0.2mA
Voltage: ±15V, Current: 30mA
Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: Photocoupler
Between input channels: Transformer
Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VACrms for 1 minute. Between input channels: 500VACrms for 1 minute
Between input terminals and programmable controller power supply: 500VDC 10MΩ or higher. Between input channels: 500VDC 10MΩ or higher
16 points (I/O assignment: Intelligent 16 points)
18-point terminal block
0.3 to 0.75mm2
R1.25-3 (solderless terminals with sleeve are not usable)
28.5 x 90 x 117